Lakeshore New Horizons Band in Durham Region
A New Musical Revolution

By David Climenhage
In the 1840’s in France, Adolphus Sax developed a family of Brass instruments with newly developed valves that started a music revolution. The valves were applied to cornets (soprano) , alto, tenor, baritone and brass instruments, that were fully chromatic and relatively easy to learn to play. Small Bands of these instruments could perform any musical form popular in the day. This development started a growth industry in Europe that quickly spread to North America: The Town Band.
In Durham Region by the end of the 1850’s, every village had a Town Band or a Factory Band. Some of these were quite notable and long lived. The Orono Cornet Band pictured above was typical of the early bands and it carried on into the 1970‘s under different names. Most of The Brass bands that formed in the 1840’s and 50’s added woodwind instruments by the 1890’s. In the latter half of the 19th century, these bands provided the main entertainment for public events, parades and dances and provided the music that reached everyone in Canada.
Fast Forward to 2011: A new musical revolution is underway brought to you by the Seniors of North America: The New Horizons Community Band. This movement was started by Roy Ernst, a professor at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester New York. The program is aimed at fulfilling the passion for music of many retired men and women who did not have time to devote to this interest during their working years. The New Horizons movement has been so successful that it has spread all over North America and has over 170 member bands. The bands are linked on line and many of the member musicians connect when they travel south in winter or go on vacation. It also offers music workshops that its members can travel to and learn from some of the finest band leaders in North America. The Lakeshore New Horizons Band program will appeal to those who have played regularly at some time in their lives or to those with no musical training. Instruction is provided at the beginner level and this will allow anyone, with time to practice, to to play a brass, woodwind, or percussion instrument in a community band. The advanced community band is made up of individuals who have more playing experience, some of them from the New Horizons program and some who have played for many years, and now have more time to devote to music. The rehearsals are during daytime hours.

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If you are interested in this program and live in Durham Region please visit our contact us page